Hello, my friends! I hope you had a good labor day weekend and got some extra sleep. I didn't get any extra sleep but I did chug a lot of coffee to stay awake and get my things together. Today's topic is one of the most universal and crucial topics. It doesn't just apply to people in college but to working professionals and anyone who suffers from a disease called "procrastination". Let's get to it!
Not going to lie but I have wished for more hours in a day many times. I have once put it on my birthday wishlist, yet no progress :(. In fact, as I am typing this, I am wishing for more hours in a day. It's literally 2:30 and I have to be awake at 6 to be at work by 7. What will I do with those extra hours if they eve get approved? Well, I will definitely get some more sleep. I will start jogging again. I will use this extra time to get my schoolwork done and much more. Maybe I'll just have to wait forever.
So, schooling from home has been fun but I feel like I never run out of things to do. I was at my sister's house babysitting today and she wanted me to stay longer because she said "I had nothing to do", and of course I gave her this weird look of sarcasm. When I came home, I was so tired for no reason that I fell asleep and got nothing done. I have so many deadlines to meet by the 15th and me not following my planner just threw me off the rails. Now, I am going to have to put myself through many sleepless nights and delete my social media apps so I can focus on my work. Uh, the sacrifices.
But let's talk about why is time management so crucial for avoiding burnout and still meeting deadlines.
1) You can get things done without any additional stress
2) You can improve the quality of your work
3) You will start having more time in your day
4) It's a god quality to possess
5) Planning ahead will make you consider any "edge cases"
I have personally seen my assignments being much better in quality when I have given more time to it. Try to fill out any gaps in your day with productive work. Take scheduled breaks and stay off social media. Remember, everyone is just working towards their goals and you just scrolling through the feeds is making someone else rich. So, next time you can't get off Facebook or Instagram, remind yourself that why would you not want to make yourself rich instead?
Keep planning folks, see you next week!
Songs I am listening to this week: Sexy by JoeVille
Stay Ur Distance by Yo Gotti