Hello friends and family. How are you doing? How is life going? Even if it's not going the way you want it to be, be grateful that you are alive. That's the least thing we can be thankful for on our not-so-best days. Today's topic is coming from the darker side of me. For the past couple of days, I haven't been feeling myself. This is not the first time I am feeling this way. It happens once in a while, but it's essential to cater myself in a certain way to make it through this time.
Recognizing The Problem
I can recognize my random waves of depression when I'm sleeping way too much, and my motivation level is zero. Everything feels like a burden, and I don't want to interact with anyone. Things I usually do for fun, like walking and driving, feel tough. Any tiny little thing that doesn't go my way feels like the end of the world. I don't want to smile or make any small talk. In summary, breathing is too much work.
Understanding The Reason Behind It
Usually, I'm pretty good at finding the reason behind my random waves of depression, but I couldn't find anything this time around. I had just come back from a mini-vacation, my bills were paid, my fridge was stocked, my family was fine, so nothing made sense. It wasn't that I felt lonely or anything because I didn't want to talk to anyone either. I just had to tell myself that it was ok. You don't always need to have a reason behind a random wave of depression. It's random for a reason.
What To Really Do About It?
Understand that many times in life, we won't know the reason behind events. There is a lot of uncertainty, and we have to be ok with it. Sometimes we have to feel the emotion/event to go through it. This is what I feel like this random wave is about. Just put on some sad songs and sit through it. I don't feel overwhelmed in emotions, so I can't cry either. Speaking of which, a lot of times, a good crying session helps release the emotion. If you are not a fan of crying in public like me, cry in isolation. If you have access to a therapist, make sure to utilize them. And remember, you're not alone💞 Every adult, especially people in their 20s, often experience this. Our lives are changing daily, and we might not have it figured out yet. So, take it easy on yourself, and rest up.
Hope you and I feel better🫶🏼