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What Does a Clean Place Says About You

Did you ever walk into a room and immediately feel overwhelmed? Well, you're not alone.

Not too long ago, my brother visited some of our relatives. When he came back, he sent us pictures of their place. As soon as I looked at those pictures, I felt anxious. It was overloaded with colors and decorations to the point where it looked messy.

Our rooms say a lot about our personalities. Studies have proven that a messy room is linked to signs of depression and many other problems. I walk into my room sometimes and immediately feel the need to leave it. At that very time, I try to declutter and clean my room. Once I'm done with it, I feel 1000x better. One piece of advice for all the guys is that when a girl walks out of a room after she cleans it and there is a candle burning in it, do not mess with her.

Oh this episode was so funny omg

Cleanliness Is A Part Of Personality

As I'm getting wiser by the day, I realize that keeping things organized and clean is part of my personality. While I think it's a way to keep myself sane, other people think of me as a very put-together person, lol. Good for both of us. You will never step in my car and say, " Omg, this is so disgusting." I didn't use to keep my room that clean but TikTok inspired me, and now I put in the effort to keep my room from getting messy.

I learned a couple of things about myself while digging into this area of my life. I realized I am more aligned towards a Type A personality. I tend to seek perfection in everything but perfection is almost unattainable. A tidy room also sparks my creativity. Once everything is back to where it belongs, I don't overthink it and get more time to focus on my creative tasks.

What If I'm Having One Of those Days?

That's okay. No one said you have to have your shit together at all times. But also, please don't only clean when someone's about to visit you. Especially if you're in your 20s and often find yourself trying to ignite the spark within you, you might want to try reorganizing things in your room. Cleaning helps me reduce my anxiety. It diverts my attention and helps me with a fresh start. My current roommates keep our kitchen so dirty. Every Sunday night, I clean up the kitchen and the living area, and every Monday morning, I find it messy with dishes all over the place. In that immediate moment, I feel like screaming at someone, but I tell myself, couple more months here, and I'll be out.

It's also about your basic hygiene. No one will visit you and say, "Wow, you keep your room clean." Actually, I lied. Many people will say that, but many more people will point out the mess because I believe that your environment says many things about you. If you keep your surroundings clean, you probably keep your mind clean and organized.

So, next time you need some inspiration on organizing or cleaning, follow the hashtags #cleantok or #organizetok on TikTok. You will thank me later. But first and foremost, focus on yourself and pay attention to tiny little details that rail or derail your day so you can improvise accordingly.

Till next time, Peace✌🏼


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