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Tips For Better Sleep

Hola friends and family. How is life going for you? Are things making any sense, or are you always trying to figure things out? Sometimes, we as humans require some mental clarity to think through things. But unfortunately, this phenomenon is not valued enough. Often, the reason behind a breakdown is bad sleep or no sleep. My way to cope with stress is to take a nap. I immediately feel better after a nap. And to be honest, those naps are always one of the best naps. If you find someone's personality too anxious, there's a great chance that they have sleep problems. Hell, I even witnessed my brother's frustration right before his wedding, and I could tell that he was running low on sleep.

There are so many benefits of sleeping that I don't even know where to start. But if you struggle with consistent sleep, I will share three tips with you today that help me turn on sleep mode in my body.

1) Create a Night Time Routine

Listen, our body is a sucker of routines. When you create a nighttime routine, your body will automatically start shutting down every night at a particular time. It's a step-by-step process that basically lets your body know that it's time to wind down and get ready for bed. My nighttime routine includes dimming lights at dinner, watching a tv show while having dinner, doing my skincare, praying, and slipping into my pajamas. I have my phone set to a specific bedtime, and half an hour before that time, my phone goes on do not disturb. This way, I don't receive any notifications except my emergency contacts. I had to force myself to this routine for a week or so, and then my body automatically started to recognize it.

Try it and see if it works for you.

2) Don't Work In Bed

Read that again if you need to, but please take my advice. My whole life is based out of my bedroom right now. This means I'm sleeping, working, eating lunch, dinner, and chilling in my room. I have a designated workstation, and I make sure I never take my laptop to bed. Why? Because then I'm crossing that mental boundary for work. Work will invade my space to sleep and relax, and I will never be able to relax without worrying about work. I can take my personal laptop to bed but not my work laptop. Until I can afford a separate physical space for work, I will continue to have a designated place for work in my room. When the pandemic first started, I was overwhelmed because I brought the school home, and it felt like there was no escape. Slowly, I got used to it, but work is different. Believe me.

3) Resolve Big Issues Before Going to Bed

This advice may sound familiar, and it's usually given to couples. They say that you should never go to bed angry. My version is a bit different. I suggest that you resolve any significant issues before bed that you might end up thinking about in bed. If it's an ongoing issue, talk to someone about it or journal about it. Please find a way to let it go for the night and pick it up in the morning. Think about it in this way, you worrying about it will not make the issue disappear, but getting a good night's rest will help you come up with better solutions.


I know life gets rough some days, but please don't skip sleep. It regulates your mood, immune system, body development, brain tissue development, and so much more. Get a nice mattress and some comfy sheets. Put your phone on do not disturb mode except for emergency contacts. Set sleep as your priority and watch how you start prospering in life. I will say, there is such thing as too much sleep. You're going to have to try out different routines to find your sweet spot that doesn't leave you lazy all day.

This is it for now, until next time, Peace!


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