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Sustaining Bonds: The Art of Keeping Friends as an Adult

Friendships are like plants; they need care and attention to thrive. As we grow older, maintaining friendships can become challenging due to various life transitions like career changes, family commitments, and geographical distance. However, with a bit of effort, you can keep your friendships strong and vibrant.

Here are a couple of ways to keep your friendships alive:

1. Regular Communication

zahra talking on the phone

In the digital age, staying in touch has never been easier. Make use of technology to communicate regularly with your friends. It can be as simple as sending a text message, making a phone call, send a meme on instagram, tagging them on a video or randomly facetiming them.

2. Quality Time

While it might be difficult to meet frequently, try to arrange face-to-face meetups when possible. This could be a casual coffee catch-up, a movie night, or even a weekend getaway. These moments can strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.

3. Be Understanding

Everyone has their own set of responsibilities and challenges. If a friend can't make time for you, be understanding. Avoid taking it personally and know that it doesn't reflect the strength of your friendship.

4. Show Interest

Show genuine interest in your friends' lives. Ask about their work, family, mental health, hobbies, and dreams. Celebrate their achievements and provide support during tough times. This shows that you value the friendship and care about their well-being.

5. Be Reliable

Reliability is crucial in maintaining friendships. If you make a commitment, stick to it. Being a person of your word builds trust and respect in any relationship. If you can't make it to your commitments, COMMUNICATE.

6. Keep Shared Traditions

Whether it's a yearly trip, a monthly book club, or a weekly workout session, having shared traditions can keep the friendship alive. These routines provide regular touchpoints that can keep you connected despite busy schedules.

7. Be Open and Honest

Honesty is the cornerstone of any strong friendship. If there's an issue, address it respectfully and openly. Clear communication can prevent misunderstandings and strengthen the friendship.

8. Grow Together

As individuals, we're always growing and changing. Embrace the changes in each other and find ways to grow together. This could mean supporting each other's new hobbies, interests, or life choices.

9. Reconnect with Old Friends

Don't let go of friendships just because you've lost touch. Reach out to old friends, catch up on each other's lives, and rekindle the friendship.

10. Make New Friends

While it's essential to maintain existing friendships, don't close off the possibility of making new friends. Be open to meeting new people and expanding your social circle.

Keeping friends as an adult may require more effort, but the rewards are worth it. Friendships provide support, joy, and a sense of belonging that can significantly enhance your quality of life. So, pick up the phone, send that message, plan that meetup, and cherish the friendships that add color to your life.

After all, as the saying goes, "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves."

Until next time, Peace 👯‍♀️


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