June is the sixth month of the year, so it's time for a retrospective reflection✨
If you're not sure what retrospective reflection means, google defines it as the following:
Retrospective reflection is a conscious, collaborative effort to systematically re-examine a process in order to learn from it.
It's essentially two words reflection and retrospective put together. You might be wondering why I am using such complicated terminology for life check-ins? We have to apply the same rules and discipline to life that we apply to work to meet our goals.
By now, half of those New Year's resolutions are in the garbage. But what about the other half? Or are you part of the small number of people who never want to be the reason for their disappointment? If you are, I'm giving you a standing ovation right now!
Look back at a couple of months from this year. Did you notice any difference? Did you keep up with your words? Did you treat your body and mind right? Is life going as expected, or has there been some significant deviations? Did you hold yourself accountable? Are you on track to meet your year-end goals?
These are some questions I asked myself as well. So, here's my answer:
I noticed a difference. I was very mindful of my time. If I didn't like anything, I communicated. I wanted to replace the word 'hate' with 'dislike', and I'm very conscious about it. I fed my body well, and my average number of steps went from 3000 to 7000. Life is going somewhat as expected other than a recession might be on our plate, so I need to save up. I held myself accountable. The trajectory to meet my year-end goals is slow, but I'm on track.
Look back at a couple of months from this year again. What went well so far this year? What actions specifically helped you become a better person overall, if any? Were there any lifestyle changes involved? Did you learn anything in these past couple of months about yourself? What actions can you take today to help yourself stay on track to meet your year-end goals? Is there anything specific that's making life difficult for you?
In The End
My friends, I care about you. I want you to be a better person. I want you to be the person of your dreams. One who will look back when they are old and be proud of their accomplishments. I tell this to everyone, but here's a reminder: we only get to live once, so shoot your shot at that person, take that trip, send that message, block that person, get that haircut, start that business, start a podcast, etc. The only thing you will regret when you're old is that you didn't take your shot when you had a chance. So, what you're waiting for?
Until next time, Peace✌🏼