Usually, around this time, students are going back to college, and people are wrapping up projects, side hustles, and thinking about their vacation plans for the remainder of the year. New routines are shaping up every day as September marks the end of the summer. This means it is a perfect time to evaluate your health and start a self-care routine that will energize your aura. Self-care doesn't have to be expensive or typical, like getting a massage or vacation. It can be as minor as you getting extra sleep during certain days of a week or scheduling your yearly doctor visits. Self-care is a concept that can be defined individually based on your preferences. Generally, it's just a reminder to look after our overall well-being.
If I had to read the definition of self-care from my dictionary, I would define it as:
" Self-care is defined as an every day act that benefits your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being without feeling guilty about it"
It's Not Selfish...
If someone guilts you into taking time out for yourself, run in the opposite direction and never look back. You don't need this type of energy around you. But what you need is some time to yourself to make you feel wholesome about your vitals. Don't feel bad if you have to decline an invitation to catch up on some sleep. Your health >>>> Someone's party.
Here's a quick way to unwind if you are:
Overthinking -> Write
Burnt Out -> Read
Lazy -> Reduce Screen Time
Angry -> Music
Stressed -> Walk
Sad -> Exercise
Anxious -> Meditate
Tired -> Power Nap
I talked about the ultimate self-care journey and my favorite example of a full cup here. Check it out.
Self-Care Doesn't End with September
Self-care never ends. Always remember my definition of it. Self-care is a habit. It can be as small as doing your skincare every day or listening to your favorite album for the hundredth time. Self-care is never a destination. It's always a journey. It's a journey that can be enhanced and altered based on scenarios. It's vital for existence. So I ask you to take some time out for yourself this month and do something that makes you happy. Come back and brag about it. Teach someone else the value of it and spread joy around you.
Remember, whatever you're going through, you're not alone. Wishing you good luck on your self-care journey ❤️
Until next time, Peace🌟