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My Ramadan Routine

Are you one of those who needs some tips on a routine to maintain during Ramadan?

Well, my friends, you have come to the wrong place.

LOL sorry! I suck at prioritizing a routine, but luckily after talking to multiple people, I got an idea of their day-to-day lives during Ramadan, and I will share those with you today.

First Three Days of Ramadan

The first week of Ramadan is the hardest. You are trying to adjust to this fasting routine, and your sleep is all over the place. Today is the fourth day of Ramadan as I'm documenting, and I am typing this blog at 2 am. Please don't ask me why.

(What I wish for) I have tried to convince myself to go to bed at midnight to wake up at 5:15ish for Suhoor. Then go back to bed at 6:15ish and wake up at 8:45 for work. Take a small nap after work to pass the time and prepare for Iftar around 8 pm. Be done with eating and doing dishes by 8:30 pm and maybe go for a walk or gym at 9-10 pm. The remaining two hours of the day can be spent snacking and relaxing.

(What is happening) I took a two-hour nap right after Iftar. Then I went for a mile walk followed up with the gym. At this time, it was 1 am. I decided I wanted to change the world and opened my laptop. Then it was 2:30, so I decided to take a nap till 5:15 am. Then I didn't go to sleep until after Suhoor and started working early. At 10 am, I already wanted to clock out, so I canceled all my meetings and went to sleep till 2 pm. I woke up, took a shower, cleaned around, organized, and followed up on some work emails. It was around 6 pm by now. I facetimed a couple of people, and then it was 7 pm. I cooked some food for Iftar, and the cycle repeats itself.

So, you see, all over the place.

Fifth Day and Onward

It looks like I have finally made peace with myself at this time. As you noticed, I struggled up there with a steady routine, but I think I have one now. So, I decided that because I don't have any workload right now, I could leverage nights and use it. I started taking naps after Iftar and would wake up around 11 pm.

Then I would stay awake till Fajr, and during this time, I would accomplish all the tasks that I would do during the day. Even schedule follow-up emails for work. One of the biggest struggles of Ramadan is staying active. I decided to take this matter into my hands and started working out at night. So far, it's been pretty decent. Then I would sleep around 6:15ish and wake up at 10/11, depending on my work meetings. After attending meetings, I would go back to sleep or work from bed the entire time. At 5 pm, I officially leave my bed and continue with my day.

In Conclusion

I want to reserve as much energy as I can during the daytime. To accomplish that, I had to take advantage of the night. I understand that if you don't work from home or have steadfast projects, you can't take advantage of this routine. But remember to stay flexible throughout this month. The nocturnal schedule seems to be working well for me, but I'll keep you updated if it changes.

Stay Blessed and not Stressed, Peace.


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