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Mid Twenties is a Weird Age

"20s is the best time of your life", says every thirty-plus-year-old. I'm not going to start this blog by trashing all the millennials but let's just take a moment to have a "real talk".

A more accurate phrasing would be "20s is the time when you have the least amount of responsibilities". While some twenty-year-olds decide to start a family in their twenties, it's usually just an option until you turn thirty. The thirties is when every single person in the room is giving you stares for being single.

The journey from your early twenties to your late twenties can be compared to riding a rollercoaster that you have designed and built yourself. It can be smooth, rocky, or in some cases fatal. There's no manual to build this rollercoaster but more like different people tell you different things. You get to a point where you get tired of listening to these people so you shut the world and go into this whirlwind of depression. That's until someone brings you an iced coffee from Starbucks.

Today, I'm going to drill down into why mid-twenties is like boarding a plane without knowing the destination. Let's get into it.

You're Losing Friends By Day

First of all, it's really hard to make new friends once you're out of college. And then the five friends you held on to are either moving away or getting married. I included married people in this list because most couples look for couple friends. They don't want you third-wheeling on their movie nights or romantic dinners. You are better off staying at home.

You Have a Grown-Up Job But Still Don't Have the Financial Stability You Expected

I know it can't be just me. Somehow our salary gets doubled but yet we are unable to save, go out for dinners every weekend, and God forbid, be able to buy a house. Adulting is just expensive in general so we try our very best to cut down on lattes and brunches which gives us some hope in life. You can have the best budgeting sheet in the world but unless you are someone who truly does nothing for fun, you are going to experience this "broke" loop.

You Feel Like You Are "Behind" Every Day

On left you see friends starting a business, making their fame off Youtube and TikTok, and on the right you see people getting married, starting families, and getting houses. And there you are, trying to convince a friend to join you on your next trip. Very different directions but somewhat similar people aka people in their 20s. If you are not actively accomplishing something, you get the feeling that you are not productive or you are not doing something right with your life. Been there, done that. Actually, I still might be in this phase.

You Are Trying To Figure Out Your Priorities

You might be trying to figure out your priorities at the moment but the funny thing is that they can change every week. For this week I'll say that my priority is to stay consistent at the gym but then I will get sick and my priority will be to recover. Another example will be if you try to save more money but then you get in an accident and there go all your savings.

You Suddenly Become an Adult in Your Family

One day, your family wakes up and decides that you are an adult and puts all these responsibilities and expectations on you without a warning. Now all of a sudden it feels like a cop is reading your rights every time you speak to a family member. For instance, when you try to clear up a situation with a family member, they may say something like: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of the family". My face:

Don't Get Me Started on Dating Trends

This generation will probably create the highest number of "single people who died alone". Our generation struggles with the fact that showing too much care for someone is often perceived as a turn-off. It's like when Ted Mosby in HIMYM confessed his love to Robin on the first date. Now, don't get me wrong, I have had people who were real-life Ted Mosby towards me but they were acting on what I call "Crush High". It's when you like someone and your obsession with them makes you want to be with them 24/7. Usually, highs like this have a crash at some point even if those "highs" are nurtured, they are meant to crash like the stock market. You can differentiate between a "Crush High" and an actual crush when you are compatible with the other person on most of the levels. Don't be misled; stay informed.

Can you relate to any of this? Share this with your friends and tag me as well! That's all for now. Until next time, Peace 🌺


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