Happy Mental Health Awareness Month. Believe it or not, when I first started my blog three years ago, the main theme of my blog in my mind was raising the awareness on the subject of mental health. This is a very important subject, especially in the brown community, as it is often ignored. I found it ironic that most of the brown parents prefer their kids to become doctors but they fail to understand the whole idea behind mental illnesses.
Millions of people worldwide suffer in silence due to mental health stigma and lack of resources. Mental health awareness month aims to change that by promoting the importance of mental health and encouraging individuals to seek help when needed.
You may have noticed extra emails around the subject of mental health awareness at work or school but remember sometimes the awareness and change starts within you.
Zahra, what does that mean? Are you saying I’m the cause to all my problems? Is it me? Am I the problem?
Before you jump to any conclusions, let’s dive a little deep into what I mean by that.
Why is the Idea of Mental Health So Important?
Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being that is often overlooked or stigmatized. It refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being and affects how we think, feel, and behave. Good mental health allows us to cope with the daily stresses of life, develop healthy relationships, and make meaningful contributions to society. On the other hand, poor mental health can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and even suicide.
It All Starts Within You
Remember when I mentioned earlier that sometimes change starts within you. Let’s explore that idea a little more.
So, what do I really mean by that?
Here’s the catch about mental health. It’s an abstract thing. You can’t see it or physically touch it. You can only feel it. While sometimes people can notice that you’re struggling in life, more often people are unaware that you may be going through a hard time. Many people don’t pay attention and others simply don’t care enough. Ever noticed that a lot of famous people end up committing suicide or overdosing even though it feels like they have every reason to stay alive?
Always remember, bad mental health silently starts digging up your grave.
How Do We Fix This?
Unfortunately, there is no quick fix to this. The only way to let others know that you are going through a tough time is by communication. While sometimes it may feel like it’s even hard to breathe, having a full-blown conversation can feel like hell especially when you’re trying to explain to someone why it feels like you’re carrying 500 lbs on your shoulders.
How Do I Stay Sane?
I started creating boundaries. I knew from the very beginning that I was in this to do things alone and sometimes the climb to success can be very lonely. I listen to my favorite music. I try to go for a walk or late-night drive. I have been journaling since third grade and that has been tremendously helpful. I became very vocal about my needs and direct with my communication. I knew that time in life is very limited, and I didn’t want to waste any by lying or getting hurt for no reason. I started spending most of my time alone, learning about myself. Especially what triggers the bad side of my mental health. Ultimately, I became bff with myself.
What Happens When You Prioritize Yourself?
Ah yes, this is a big one. You start losing people every day.
When your priority becomes you, all the people who were only keeping an eye on you or pretending to be friends with you start disappearing. It’s because you are not serving their needs anymore. Suddenly people think you are selfish. Why? Because you chose to fill your cup before you fill up someone else’s cup. (read about this in detail: https://www.walkwithz.com/post/your-cup-should-be-full-before-you-pour-into-someone-else-s-cup)
What Inspired Me?
Between you and me, I had a really tough year in 2019. It taught me a lot of lessons that I will continue to pass off to other people. I fell deep in depression that year, but I didn’t know how to communicate it to anyone. I tried therapy but that didn’t help. I didn’t have friends at that time either, so I was deep in the trenches for a while. I was tired. I was tired of feeling that way and realized if I need to see a change, I have to do something about it. I pushed myself as far as I could in every way, it took a couple of months of lifestyle changes but ask my family, I was a brand-new person by the year 2020 started.
In Conclusion
My situation was different. I needed a lifestyle and mindset change to get out of my depression, but it may not be the same way for you. So, YOU have to figure out what works best for you. Get help or talk to your friends. Your life matters, your mental health matters, your existence is needed in this world, you are the reason behind someone’s smile every day.
Before you start learning about someone else, take the time to learn about yourself beyond your physical needs. Your spiritual and mental health take higher priority because remember you could have everything in the world and still not be happy but even when you have nothing in the world, a good set of friends and good mental health will keep you happy and fulfilled.
Until next time, Peace🪄