Hello to all who made it through 2020. Last year, many of us thought that we would get a 2020 vision of our goals and dreams, but things didn't go as planned, huh?
It's okay—no need to be upset. If you made it this far, you are fortunate. Today, we are going to talk about goals and some organization techniques throughout the year that will help you keep sane.
Let's be real; while we are excited that 2020 is over, the pandemic is still going on. People are still losing their lives, and businesses are shutting down. My sister informed me today that we lost another member of our family today. While many of us are trying to go back to our normal lives, we also have to respect the people around us. This means taking precautions and being considerate about other people's' conditions.
It's just January 4th, 2021, today. You have a clean slate. It's time to learn a good habit and stick to it. One word that I am going to focus on in 2021 is "CONSISTENCY." Yes, you heard that right. This word has so much power and the ability to change so many things. It can make a homeless person become a millionaire—an overweight person to become a thin person. A reckless spender to become a responsible spender. A newbie chef to become an expert chef. It just has so much power that I can't explain in words.
Why did I choose this word to be my word of the year? Well. I read some articles and books and learned that nothing is achieved until it is done consistently. This motivation came from when I wanted to achieve specific goals, but I couldn't accomplish them, so I had to dig deep into the why of it. I wasn't putting enough time into it. For me to start a new habit, it takes courage and some time to prepare myself mentally. Once I have had that time to prepare, I dive hard, and then I get tired of it. So the learning curve here is that I will do smaller amounts of work but consistently so I don't disappoint myself or burn out too early in the game.
Keep this expectation in the back of your mind that this year may not be another typical year. Make goals and habits that can bring you moments of joy, whether it be waking up at a particular time or drinking a set amount of water. If 2020 has taught us anything is that we have to appreciate every moment of life. Nothing is promised, so tell your loved ones that you love them. Learn to love yourself and be able to make yourself laugh. Please don't be too intimidated by people and try talking to them. It's okay if anyone laughs at you for doing something embarrassing. You will make a great memory out of it. You only live once, so make the most out of it.