One thing that kept me on track to graduate on time in college was hard deadlines. There were assignments, homework, quizzes, tests, papers, and projects, all of which had a deadline, and not following that deadline had a direct consequence. Therefore, I was always thinking about school, and it was the highest priority in my life.
But then I graduated in 2021, and following deadlines that didn't have direct consequences became difficult. I started making excuses and procrastinating. I soon realized that if I kept this behavior, I would not be able to accomplish those big goals in life. I have to build some discipline and restrictive time to work on these goals so they can progress with time. But the million dollar question is: "How?".
Today's blog will focus on goal setting, prioritizing, and accomplishing your goals, whether personal, physical, career, or other goals.
Let's get into some calculations.
Not too long ago, when someone asked me about my life goals, I would tell them this list of awesome things. But what I didn't know was how and when I was going to accomplish these goals.
Sure these goals sound impressive, but when is a perfect time to start working on them? Perfect time?
The perfect time is always NOW. We are not promised life, so why wait for miracles and time to pass? The best thing you can do for yourself is take some time to list your goals. Prioritize these goals and then set a time frame for them. The best time to create this list is now, of course, and the second best time is at the start of the year. Write down some goals for the year and the next five years. Then do the following math on it:
Break down those goals by quarters(4) in the year
Break down those quarterly goals further month by month
If that still seems unachievable or challenging to visualize, break it down by weeks in those months
If you break down these weeks any further, you will feel that your goals are micromanaging you. I don't even recommend breaking it down by weeks only because life happens, things come up, and if you don't stick to your daily/weekly plan, you end up getting disappointed in yourself. Ideally, you want to have enough buffer to move things around and still have it achievable.
Another method would be to prioritize monthly goals, but I usually don't find them very productive unless they relate to fitness or financial goals. Usually, bigger goals in life need a bit more time. When setting your goals, follow the acronym SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound). Credits to: Personal Goal Setting
Goal Accountability Checks
Now that you have set your goals and decided to spread them out, the next important step is following up on these goals. It's pretty straightforward to create goals or note them somewhere, but the part where most people struggle is the accountability piece of it. We get so busy in our day-to-day life that we forget to follow up on these goals, and the next thing you know, it's Thanksgiving, and you are behind the trajectory. There's another year wasted. Accountability requires discipline and courage. If you have the discipline to write your goals on a piece of paper, then also have the courage to see that paper often and analyze your progress.
Please think of this process as how your manager at work assigns you a task, and you're held accountable for it. You have to complete it or show your progress; otherwise, you will have direct consequences. If this is still difficult, have a friend hold you accountable. Ask them to set six-month or quarterly check-ins on their calendar and interrogate you at those times about your goals.
And Finally....
If you follow the steps above, you should be near achieving your goals by the end of your timeline. When you have finally achieved your goal, take some time to celebrate yourself. You deserve it. You stayed focused for the entire timeline, and now you reward yourself for being true to yourself. Review your progress and note how you would accomplish your next goal differently. Prioritize the next goal on the list and get ready to start working on it.
And even if you couldn't accomplish your goal, no worries. Determine how much more time this goal will require and carve out that time in your planner. Follow up on it and ensure you take your time to understand the roadblock on the original timeline.
That's all I got today. I hope you will get started on your goal-setting journey soon. I wish you all the best.
Until next time, Peace🙏🏼
Are you pumped to plan your goals?
Hell yeahh
Born Ready
Maybe not today