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Happy Ramadan 2023

Happy Friday! We are here to witness one of the best times of the year again, Alhumdullilah. Every year Ramadan falls at a perfect time aka when life feels burdensome and repetitive, we feel spiritually disconnected and need a reset. I truly feel blessed and special to be a Muslim in America and practice Ramadan because when everyone is focused on their physical needs routine, as a Muslim, we are solely focused on our spiritual needs routine. During this blessed month, the Zikr increases, hearts become more vulnerable, eyes get teary in sujood and the only thing on our minds is a reminder of how temporary this Dunya is.

Not everyone will experience this Ramadan so if you are one of the lucky ones to experience it, make the most out of it because who knows if we will be here for the next one.

Now that Ramadan is here, our sole focus should be on how to make the most out of this month. I have researched and gathered a few things for you today that will help with your spiritual realignment and help you get close to your Deen.

  • Plan out your day ahead of time Try to plan out your day ahead of time and position your working hours around your prayers. Don't delay your prayers. Trust me, life gets in the way, and the next thing you know your "I will pray in 5 mins" turn into "I will have to make up for this prayer". Every employer will allow you to take a five to ten-minute break and if they don't, you should probably look for a new job.

  • Set the intentions Do you plan on achieving something out of this month or is this just any other month to you? Set the right intentions for your day, week, and month so you can maximize your benefits out of Ramadan and receive the most amount of blessings. Did you know that Allah grants you half the blessings for your pure and righteous intentions? What are you waiting for?

  • Cut out all the distractions Ramadan is best known for its discipline-building habits and I happen to be a fan of discipline. In today's world, you won't find a lot of people who are good with discipline as most people believe in instant gratification and are always looking for a high moment in life. So take this month, as a core discipline-building month and cut out all the extra dopamine activities like social media, listening to mood-based music, and using any type of drugs including smoking. Train your brain to be able to control your needs and wants. This will reset your entire outlook on life.

  • Plan your goals for this month If you already don't have goals set for the month of Ramadan, what are you doing with your life? Remember, we only get this precious month once a year (other than in 2030 when it will occur twice) and we have to know its true importance. Write down your goals about what you plan on achieving this month. Will it help you become 1% better that you will continue after this month as well or will it create healthy habits that will help you get close to your creator? For inspiration purposes, my goals this Ramadan are the following:

  • To check the least amount of social media

  • Pray my prayers on time

  • Educate people about Ramadan and learn from them

  • Practice patience and tawakkul

  • Read Quran and learn about Islam as much as possible

I understand that having these extra goals this month including your daily life activities like work, gym, family, cleaning, and cooking will reduce the amount of sleep in your schedule and will force you to excel in time management, but at the end of the day, the feeling of contentment cannot be compared to anything else in this world.

I will try to share my Ramadan routine with you so hopefully, we can learn from each other. This doesn't mean you should ignore your health. Make sure to wake up for Suhoor and eat a healthy/balanced meal. For Iftar, try to avoid overeating and quickly consuming your food. I have found that a light walk after Iftar also helps. But this is all for today. I hope you learned something and plan on maximizing the benefits from this precious month.

Happy Ramadan

Until next time, Peace 💖


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