Hey hey! It's been a while. I have been busy predicting how 2021 will go for the world and I'm glad to announce that all my predictions have gone wrong so I'm currently studying risk analysis and what to do when your predictions go wrong. I have got a catchy title on the board today, so read through if you are trying to find a bit more motivation in life.
I am a goal-oriented person which means that I like to set a reason or objective behind accomplishing a task. This gives me the motivation to get up and find the answer to questions like why am I doing this specific task. The word Goal is tricky and it can range from very small to very large. A lot of people are intimidated by the word goal and think that goals are always referred to as a larger or a long-term kind of relationship. After quite some research, I learned that setting long-term goals is good but setting smaller goals that will accomplish the larger goal eventually is even better. When you start something new or out of the norm, a lot of people will not see your vision or will not support you and this is where the word dream comes through. "Goals are just dreams written on a piece of paper". Go read that again. Do you see why I named this article this way now? If not, that's ok.
You see we as humans have the potential to accomplish a lot. Just take an example of kids. Most of the kids at a young age are very hopeful and tell us their goals and what profession they want to choose for the future. A lot of these kids will give up on their goals when they grow up because of life. Trust me, I understand but in the bigger picture goal, life is just an excuse. If you can envision it, you can accomplish it. People who are dreamers are very creative. They can envision a lot even when they are sleeping and their brain is always up to something. That doesn't mean that if you don't dream you're not creative. It's just a way for me to say that don't be scared. Adult life is scary and I vouch for that but stand up for yourself because now is the time. Today is a present indeed.
A lot of people put things off to tomorrow, but you're not even promised tomorrow. Today could be your last day in the world so make the most out of it. Dream and dream on. Don't let anyone tell you that some specific thing can only happen in your dream. Make that dream a goal and then accomplish it. Start interchanging these two terms and let the world know that you're coming for them. Remember, you are your only limit. Cut off your negative friends, let this article be your sign for that. Trust me, you don't need friends that don't support your dreams. There are way too many optimistic people, you can be friends with. If you are scared that you will end up friend-less doing that. that's ok, be your friend. This was something that was overdue but was supposed to happen anyway. So, go run that mile, cut that cup of coffee, get that extra hour of sleep, network with that specific person you have been eyeing on, send that guy a dm, work on the weekends, start that youtube channel, etc. Don't discriminate among goals and dreams, they don't discriminate when they are trying to get to you so why do you think it's not possible?