Good Afternoon friends and family! I already told you guys that this new year would only bring good habits from my end, and I'm keeping up my promise. I will never promote any toxic habits as "cool" because that's just not true. If you still exist in the mentality where toxic habits define your "woman/man-hood", please, feel free to unfollow and never listen to me again. If you are willing to change, keep reading because your personal stock only goes up from here.
Self-care is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's health. Those actions don't have to hold a certain level of popularity; anything that makes you feel good about yourself will qualify. My favorite self-care activity is to go on a drive and just sing my lungs out to my favorite tunes. It's that simple.
For today's chat, I will share four self-care habits that can keep you mindful and rested throughout this year and for more to come in the future. Stay woke!
1. Make A List
In this fast-moving life, we always have something to do. With the help of new technology, people are coming up with solutions to simplify life every day. One particular that helps me the most is digital notes and calendars. On a typical day, whether I am working or not, I write down everything I need to do for the day, giving me a sense of schedule. This way, I don't have to remember everything and blame myself when I don't complete my tasks for the day. You can also try a physical planner. I own one of those too. I like to plan out my workday on digital calendars and my personal day on my physical planner.
2. Talk To Your Favorite Person On The Phone
If I had to count the number of times I have had accidental two-hour-long conversations with my friends/family, I would run out of numbers. It's so crazy how some conversations make you feel at home. A long phone conversation with your favorite person is one way to calm yourself and get some advice. Sometimes, it's a better way to communicate than text, where showing emotions can only be accomplished through emojis and gifs (do you say jif or gif?).
3. Compliment A Stranger
This is a bit unusual from your regular blogs, but I believe in positive energy. When you compliment a stranger, you make them feel good about themself, which raises their confidence and gives out positive energy. It's almost like good karma. Also, from another perspective, that compliment could be the only good thing that happened to them that day.
One of my favorite things is to buy coffee for the car behind me unless their order is like hundred bucks 😅 Normally, that same energy gets replicated, and in the end, you might be buying a cup of coffee for a person who can really use one that day. So keep on complimenting without acting creepy 😌.
4. Cook Up Your Favorite Meal
I love to put my energy into food. Especially when I prepare my food with love, it tastes so much better for some reason. I find cooking therapeutic at times. Maybe that's because I cook twice a week, but I understand why some people may not correlate to it the same way. Baking sweets and bread is a perfectly relaxing day for me. A lazy day is always nice but being productive has a different effect on our brains. As an alternative, you can get your favorite food from your favorite restaurant and enjoy that with a good movie.
This is all I have for now, but please feel free to comment if you have a self-care idea that you would like to share with me.
Other than that, I will see you guys next week, same time, same place😉