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Experiencing the Thrill: My First F1 Grand Prix in Miami

I can't believe it's already been two weeks since I attended my very first Formula One event. It's one of those things you watch on TV and can only dream of experiencing in person someday. As a big car enthusiast, attending F1 this year was truly a dream come true.

Today, I want to break down my experience for you in case you plan to attend one this year or next year. And even if you don't attend, you can live vicariously through my experience :)

f1 vehicle wheel

Arriving in Miami

I had taken a red-eye on a Friday night from San Francisco to Atlanta and then Atlanta to Miami. By the time I arrived in Miami, I was dead tired. I took a shower and a 20 minute nap to get some of my energy back. By this time, it was almost afternoon so I left for the stadium with a friend.

Getting to the Stadium

The hype was real at this time. As we got closer to the stadium, the little child in me got even more excited. We took an Uber from our hotel to the stadium parking lot. The walk from the parking lot to the stadium was about 0.8 miles, so we took one of these bicycle rides to the stadium.

Zahra in front of F1 track

We Are Here!

As soon as we reached the entrance, I could hear the loud cars. The stadium only allowed clear bags or small pouches, so I carried some form of identification and a credit card in my pockets. The crowds going in and out of the stadium were immense; there were people everywhere. I felt overwhelmed the moment I walked in. The event was organized into different sections, and it took us a while to find where our friends were sitting, but we eventually located them.

Immersing in the F1 Culture

To be honest, it had been a while since I had kept up with F1, so right before the event, a friend of mine gave me a crash course on the history and the latest updates about the current athletes. To show my support, I wore a neutral white F1 shirt since it was a qualifying practice day. From the entrance, they had parked some gorgeous sports cars that were grabbing fans' attention.

There were a lot of food options, fan zones, immersive experiences, gift shops, photo booths, club entrances to keep the visitors engaged outside the actual race.

There were also some other races like Porsche Carrera Cup, F1 academy and of course the qualifying practice.

Witnessing the Action

A red ferrari

The moment the race started, I was right next to the track, and WOW! The speed, the sound, the excitement—it was amazing. Verstappen took the lead as usual, but others were right next to him.

The Miami Grand Prix circuit was about 3.3 miles long, with the top speed recorded at a little over 200 mph. Drivers had to complete 57 laps to finish the race. The heat in Miami was no joke, so if you weren't wearing sunscreen or covered by clothing, I feel sorry for you.

Memorable Moments

The most memorable moment for me was watching the race, seeing the cars drive by right next to me, the sound of the cars, and witnessing Little Lando Norris's win. Being so close to the podium and watching their celebration live was a truly enlightening moment for me. I also learned that these F1 drivers are super young.

Biggest Cons to the Miami Grand Prix

While the event was amazing, there are always some cons to every event. Here is my take on it:

  • Everything was overpriced (the water cost $7, Ubers were $200)

  • There weren't enough screens to watch the race

  • There weren't enough shades for people to stand under

  • I accidentally paid $100 for a hat!

  • Useless club tickets where nothing was free, barely any place to sit and couldn't even see the tracks

  • The sun was scorching hot

F1 Costs Breakdown

F1 was definitely not a cheap event. Especially being held in America, I feel like everything was way overpriced. Here's my costs breakdown:

The General Stadium Admission tickets: $405

One day Miami Dolphins club tickets: $250

Flight from Atlanta to Miami: $350

Hotel cost per night: $240 (I stayed three nights so $720)

Merchandise cost: $100

Food costs at the event: $100

Total: $1925 (excluding dinners and Uber costs)


My overall first F1 experience was amazing. If I were to go back, I would make sure to take my own hat, apply sunscreen on my arms, use water refill stations, and wear comfortable shoes (since there's a lot of standing around). If I attend another F1 event, I'd like to go outside of America to see if my experience is any different. Sometimes, I can still hear the loud sounds of the cars in my head—haha! I have gained a newfound appreciation for the sport and the drivers involved.

If you're thinking about it, just book it. It was truly a thrilling weekend for me and one that I will always remember.

Until next time, Peace 🏎️


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