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Bad Habits You Need To Break Right Now

We have all been victims of a bad habit that started as "Let me just try this out". Then seven hundred days later, we are still following them shamelessly. We get so caught up in life that breaking the cycle of bad habits becomes problematic as it requires effort and time. And any extra time you have over the weekend gets spent catching up on chores or other things. But we have to start from somewhere, right? Why not make today the lucky day when we promise to break one of our bad habits instead of waiting for the right moment (bad habit)?

The main focus of today's blog will be a reminder of some intentional and unintentional bad habits that need to exit your life NOW.

12 Bad Habits

1. Smoking in Any Way

I remember back when I was a teenager, smoking was considered really "cool", and all the "cool" people did it because it was "awesome". WRONG! Those "cool" people weren't actually cool, and it wasn't awesome. These were just ordinary people who were insecure or had issues that needed to be addressed. They could have been trying to fit in a group as well. But the point is that smoking has so many side effects on your body. I would never date anyone who smokes, especially cigarettes, because I will never advocate for that, and them trying to justify that they smoke because they have anxiety.

2. Cutting Sleep Out to Adjust for Other Activities

I think it's a big red flag other than if you're a parent if someone says that they will sleep for two hours because they want to go to a club or something. Sleep needs to be your number one priority. As a functioning adult, you need rest to stay sane and recover your body. I remember being so much in my head a couple of years back that it reflected in my daily work. I was constantly stressed, and mindfulness was not a thing. I wasn't sleeping well at all.

3. Letting Fear Stop You

"But what if this happens?" If I could get a dollar for how many times I have heard this out of people's mouths, indirectly using it as an excuse to take action, I would be a millionaire by now. Stop letting fear define rules for you. What is meant to happen will happen in life regardless of your thoughts. But letting fear stop you from doing something will only make your life quality worse. Stop imagining situations. Instead, have a plan A, B, and C ready and execute them based on the case. And if plan D happens to surprise you, well, "go with the flow".

4. Sweating the Small Stuff

If you didn't get a chance to do the grocery shopping today, don't worry about it. Just do it tomorrow. If things don't go as planned, don't sweat over it. There are bigger things to worry about, so if you don't like someone's attitude towards you, ignore it and move on with your life.

5. Not Taking Time Out for Yourself

I can't emphasize this more than this, but burnt-outs are not cool. Avoiding self-care is not cool. Going out when you feel restless is not cool. Taking time for yourself is cool. Having a spa session is cool. Spending some alone time is cool. Remember, you can only care for others if you are taking care of yourself. If you ignore yourself for too long, you and your loved ones will suffer. So just a reminder to be a little gentle towards yourself.

6. Focusing On the Negatives

There is always something positive in every situation. It could have been worse. Try to focus on the positive side of things and eliminate the negative thoughts from your mind.

7. Spending Your Time Planning and Not Taking Action

Sometimes I consider myself a person who always plans and plans and never takes action. I get pretty irritated about it. Because to me, all planning is, is just a bunch of floof. I like to take action. I want to book flights, cars, and hotels. Sometimes we don't have the answer for everything, and to be honest, we don't need to. We can always figure it out as we progress through the journey.

8. Waiting for Perfect Moments

Let's be honest, one thing Covid taught us is that there is no "perfect moment". I thought 2020 was going to be this amazing, very productive year, and I even had a catchphrase ready that said "2020 vision", but we all know how that went. If you're putting off traveling or anything else, just do it. "The best time to start was yesterday. The next best is NOW".

9. Afraid of Failure

Listen, this is very normal. Society may expect you to pass every exam the first time, win every race the first time, and be successful at a new business on your first try, but this is very rare. The problem is that social media only depict success and don't highlight the rough journey people go through in the early years of their lives. Live by your own rules, and don't be afraid of failure.

10. Not Exercising

This can include some type of activity. If you have children, you are probably already very active. For other people, try to take a walk, run, jog, take stairs, or do anything to get your body moving for 30 minutes each day. It's proven to improve your mental health and mood.

11. Comparing Yourself to Others

All the flowers were not created the same way for a reason. All flowers are beautiful when they are on their own. So are you! You were not created to compare yourself to other people and continuously feel bad about yourself. Instead, if you are looking for inspiration, look up to people whose lifestyles, habits, and personalities inspire you.

12. Neglecting Water

Lately, I have counted the number of people who fulfill their hydration levels via juices or sodas. Those drinks are full of sugar; they make you feel good at the moment. Water can do that too, only if you give it a chance. Spice up your water game and start adding fruits and flavors to it. Try drinking it from different bottles and glassware to find your perfect fit. Water can remarkably affect your skin and play a significant role in nourishing your body.

I hope you're taking something from this list of bad habits and putting an end to them this year. I wish you good luck with your journey. Inspire me✨

Until next time, Peace🙏🏼


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